Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Recent Area Loggings

Here are some recent intercepts from area monitors:

From Randy True, W4RTT

240.350 Blue Ash Control
291.725 Cleveland Center
139.625 Stings 11 & 12, Yoder 22 & 32,
139.975 Gutter or Cutter 32, Delta 2120
141.825 No Call signs, but they definately sounded Scotch,
One was dead on Sean Connery.
SNAKES and ATOMICS in R-5503 at 9:25 to 9:45 local
time. ATOMICS switched to 269.275.

138.275 These sounded like flights just passing through.


Alex K. N8UCN

344.600 SENTRY 61 (Tinker, AFB, OK) W/ WPAFB Metro Requesting WX
for Tinker AFB. Later, Sentry 61 gave Pirep. 1750z
240.350 178th SABER FLT checking in after takeoff. 1805z
288.700 AWACS aft call of DRAGNET VICTOR making comm checks on
254.700 DRAGNET VICTOR comm with ATC, with intentions on making the
Red Hill MOA, 1823z
287.450 Repeated electronic chirps heard form DRAGNET VICTOR.
Obviously a Data link freq, 1325z
289.300 MACE CONTROL and DRAGNET VICTOR coordinating exercise for
COLT Flt. 1330z
260.900 DRAGNET VICTOR Calling HUNTRESS w/ comm checks for
exercises at 1340z
228.900 DRAGNET UNIFORM Tried to establish comms with Huntress with
no joy. Multiple calls go on for 10 mins. Finally contact is
made with 180th FW, STING FLT out of Toledo Express APT.
DRAGNET UNIFORM gave a ground brief and Core checks.
360.775 DRAGNET VICTOR calling INDY ATC with intent of working
COLT 41-44 in the Red Hills MOA.

238.800 MANIAC calling "Maniac Control" for en-route information and WX
at 1900z.


336.100 (AR-455) traffic tonight between 7:30 and 9:15 PM local.
Callsign "5044" told he had four in trail, heading down to
block. Flt. level 20, and had contact.

343.250 (AR-633) Unidentified traffic. Same period of time. Don't
know if this was related to the other mission.

Bengals Game (12/6) Flyby Catch. Heard this traffic starting at
12:35 to 13:02 local. Couldn't make-out the two syllable
prefix before the 41 call sign. Had visual over Southern
Campbell County, KY. They looked like two F-18 Super Hornets.

254.250, "xx xx41" "flt. level one zero proceeding to the southwest"
254.250, "xx xx41" "request overhead flyover"
254.250, "xx xx41" "roger clear for 18 left"


John Denny

252.100 MASH 83 airborne out of Grissom ANG. He asked if they could
relay to his receivers that he was an hour early and if they
could be there early that would be great. There were at least
4 in the BUCKEYE at that time using BLADE & ATOMIC callsigns
at 2300z.

Thanks to all, keep them coming!