I have the IBM ThinkPad 760ED and Probe v7 back up and running. I'm slowly getting the frequencies back into it, up to 205 so far.
Here is what is being heard as of 10:20 AM local this morning:
138.3500 --- CLAW (flight of 4), 178th FW OHANG Springfield V14
139.5500 --- CLAW Air Tactical in R-5503
143.8750 --- CLAW Air Combat Maneuvers
240.3500 --- 123rd ACS Blue Ash coordinating CLAW flight
316.7000 --- CLAW wkg Dayton Approach
291.7750 --- CLAW w/ Springfield Tower RTB
Afternoon session as of 1:15 PM:
142.5500 ---- COACH 21 - 24 (Flight of 4) Air Tactical
240.3500 ---- COACH w/ BLUE ASH for ACM (this may possibly be Uniform 15 in their radios)